

The new world of Artificial Intelligence

Since the turn of the Twenty-First Century, technology has immensely advanced. A drone which has free access to space, a self-driving car which was initiated by Google, Robotics which act like human-beings and AI (Artificial Intelligence) that can possibly replace humans in terms of work. In 2018 Japan, has shown the attitude the future society that should aim for by the call of the government is referred to as “Society 5.0.” Society has begun from Society 1 to Society 4 which include the following stages.

Society 1: Hunting and Gathering Society. Meaning that hunting of wild animals and plants is the foundation of society. Until the time when Agrarian Society was started, all human beings belonged to this society. 

Society 2: Agrarian Society. It is the next stage of Hunting and Gathering Society. To make a long story short, it is a society whose economy is made up of farming. In the previous society, it would only be a limited people that can be a member of a group. In such society, to make foods is not a simple task but very unstable. In contrast, in Agricultural Society, food can be harvested according to the size of the group and there is no limitation of the size of a group. Under this society, the population has drastically increased. 

Society 3: Industrial Society. It is a society in which industrialization has progressed. Generally speaking, it is the society created after industrialization. In this era, the introduction of machines exponentially raised productivity. Social hierarchy was created and the gap between the poor and the rich became large. Primary education became compulsory and literacy rate as well as human knowledge had drastically improved. It led to growth of the economy and raised labor wages that human capital theory is often rooted in. 

Society 4: Information Society. Information has the same value as various resources, and it is a society that functions mainly around that. We were born in the gap between the industrial society and the information society. Including you and I as well as the rest all over the world who writes this essay. Living in the era between the information society and the next stage I later explain as “super smart society” today. In this era, a large amount of information is constantly being produced, accumulated and propagated by rapid information processing by computers and wide-ranging information transmission by various communication media. In this era, if people do not judge with appropriate information, they are surrounded by excessive information and can not make an appropriate judgment, and indeed, many people make judgments irrevocable with erroneous information. The American Presidential Election is the most significant example. Quality poverty status has often observed that there was a lack of useful information for concrete decision making. 

Society 5: Super Smart Society. This is the future stage where cyber space and real society are highly integrated. In Japan, we aim for realization by 2020. AI (Artificial intelligence) is expected to play an important role in this super smart society. While I hear the voice welcoming the arrival of AI, there are also many voices that are seen as pessimistic. In particular, in recent years, many discussions have been made on themes such as "jobs disappears due to the arrival of AI.”  About this point in this essay, I would like to give a viewpoint to the theme "human and AI". Needless to say, a number of experts share similar knowledge with similar themes. As myself touched on many articles of the kind, I would like to take advantage of my nationality as being Japanese to provide unique knowledge. 

Well, although the talk diverges a little, Japan has produced many animations that are recognized around the world such as ; “Dragon Ball Z,” “One Piece,” and more recently “Attack on Titan.” Among them, "Doraemon" written by Fujiko Fujio and "Cyborg 009" written by Shotaro Ishinomori. Both of these anime characters are characters developed by science and technology development as well as machine civilization. Although, these two characters have something in common in that they are far apart from human beings, in reality they are essentially and completely different characters. These two characters give a very important hint to think about in future society. Let me introduce it below. 

Doraemon: This anime is a work depicting the strange everyday life a cat-shaped robot "Doraemon" that came from the 22nd century and the elementary school student Nobita, who fails everything. Doraemon has a lovely personality, but it is still a robot, its essence is a "machine.” 

Cyborg 009: This anime is based on the equilibrium of nuclear fears by the US-Soviet conflict in the 1960s. The secret cartel BG of the military industry (the black ghost) is the "future line plan" at the end of the greedy desire of death merchants. The leader of the BG organization developed 9 cyborg soldiers whose remodeled bodies could endure the battle under the nuclear war. Those chosen cyborgs with overwhelmingly increased arm strength and running power were created by the power of machines, but their essence is "human.” 

The difference between these two machines is divided professionally as "robot paradigm" and "cyborg paradigm.” The former is an idea of "to make the machine demonstrate overwhelming ability,” the latter is the idea of "to enhance human ability by using science technology and opportunities.” The difference between these two paradigms becomes an extremely important point of view when considering the future science and technology with human relationship. This is because AI (Artificial Intelligence) is going to spread to human society at the same time as this "robotics technology.” 

Let me give a prominent success story about AI. AI 's challenge in the field of intellectual games such as Chess, Shogi, and Igo has been drawing attention as a "confrontation of knowledge between humans and computers.” In the world of Chess IBM's computer won the then world champion in 1997. Even in Shogi the example continued, the computer won a professional match after 2010. However, since then the board surface is wide, the game development and patterns are more complex. Even superior Go software has been considered amateur level so far, it has been considered impossible to win against professionals even with the most advanced AI technology. However, the UK venture company Deep Mind Company in the United States of America joined pro for the first time in the world "Go" which was computer software developed by the company in the winter of 2016. 

Even in the field of business and academic research, we are now replacing the work that human beings have been performing. In Japan, artificial intelligence "Higashi Robo-kun" is aiming to break through the entrance examination of the University of Tokyo by 2021. It will challenge the University entrance examination simulation center exam of the famous entrance examination vocational school. Where it will aim to improve the results of mathematics which was not good. East Robo-kun recorded a deviation value of 58. Although, it was still far from passing by the University of Tokyo standards, they received findings that the possibility of passing at 33 Universities and 441 Private Universities in Japan is over 80%. In the field of business, at the Nikkei newspaper, the Japanese economic newspaper, Goldman Sachs' traders had previously enrolled 2,000 people, but now there was an article that it was two people. This is a very conspicuous number, and some occupations say that, not only in the trader's world, but also in multiple professions the same work force was replaced by AI, in fact most of them were already taken by AI. 

Furthermore, even now when experiences of experienced taxi drivers and police officers, such as which aisle where passengers can pick up customers and crime in what area, are experienced, they become replaced with artificial intelligence It is coming. Perhaps as many people think, I also think that in the coming era, many of the work that humans have done so far will be replaced by Artificial Intelligence. 

But I want to ring one alarm bell here. Due to the remarkable development of such Artificial Intelligence, there will be some people who think that "Artificial Intelligence is not good, Artificial Intelligence deprives people of work and the future is pessimistic looking.” These are fears and those who perceive Artificial Intelligence as being conflicting to humans. But I think like this. Something that we need in the coming era is whether or not to look at Artificial Intelligence based on either of the "robot paradigm" or the "cyborg paradigm" mentioned earlier. 

In other words, whether to capture AI as "computer with overwhelming intelligence" or "technology to overwhelmingly expand human intelligence", that is, not an AI but an IA( Intelligence amplifier) "intelligent expansion technology" It is questioned. Today as well, the thought about human beings and AIs in conflict with people around the world, arguments such as "people who can survive by artificial intelligence, people who can not survive" are overflowing, nevertheless there is something to think before that discussion. That is the recognition that the essence of AI "Artificial Intelligence" is nothing but IA as I described  "intelligent expansion technology". 

Indeed, AI will be an excellent secretary in business, becoming an excellent research assistant in academic research, and becoming a good partner who always gives intellectual stimulation to people involved in intellectual creation. Then, before the era of the Artificial Intelligence revolution, human beings should decide "Human ability is deep enough to measure even with state-of-the-art science and technology" It will not. Humans and AI are not enemies but friends. 
